Monday, November 3, 2014

Abandoned House Hunting

If you know Coveyou Photography, you know I love two things. Models and abandoned houses. Shawn text me a while back telling me about this abandoned house she found and got permission for us to go in. 

As we drove up, we noticed the back of the house was wide open. 

We walked around the whole house to see if there was another entrance to no avail. So, our only choice of getting in the house was to scale those boards. Nothing was stopping me from getting in. So, I started scaling. Shawn followed but, wasn't too happy about it as she was in a skirt and sandals. But, she did it like a champion! Part of me wished I had filmed her though. Because it was really a hilarious site to behold. (giggles) Here is some of what we saw:

On the staircase, we found this dictionary. Whose pages were turned to "prosecution and prostitution." Both are pretty unsettling...

Upstairs we found this broom. To which Shawn replied, "If someone had used that, we wouldn't be in this mess." Haha! 

Upon the end of our upstairs look through, we hear a pickup truck and Shawn looks out the window. Panicked she goes "someone is here!" Then she realized it was just her boyfriend. Haha! But, she really had me scared for a second too! 

This photo means so much to me! It sums up the day quite wonderfully. Something about going into an abandoned house that just makes you feel, nostalgic. You wonder what happened to make it that way. A beautiful, sad mystery. And being able to experience it with my best friend is pretty great too! :) 

To see more of my abandoned house photos please visit my facebook at:

Until then,
adventure awaits :) 

[driver roll up the partition plea$e;

The other day on Facebook I saw a video of a celebrity dancing to the song, "Partition" by Beyonce. I grew to love the song and wanted to do a car themed shoot. 

I knew exactly who I wanted to model in it. 

Meet Shawn.

Shawn is a 42 year old mother of 3, antique business owner. She's also the best friend I could ever ask for. Words can't even begin to describe how wonderful a person she is. You'd just have to meet her for yourself. :) I knew she was the girl for this car themed shoot. Not only because she's beautiful, but because she loves cars! Also, her boyfriend had an amazing car that we used that you'll see in the finished photos below. 

It was a beautiful day! 70 degrees. At one point, I regretted wearing a sweatshirt. Anyhow, I'm thankful the weather was beautiful, because in Shawn and I's first shoot it was about 20 degrees at most and she will never let me live it down. I remember texting her that morning saying, "70 degrees!" She replied, "you sure you don't want to reschedule?" Haha! 

One of Shawn and I's biggest struggles in starting a shoot is agreeing on an outfit. We both have ideas, have our arguments, I say I don't like her outfit, but we end up using it and everyone (including me, which I must admit) love it! I knew I wanted her to be in high heels and skinny jeans and we found a neat bandeau, tank top combo for her top. Well, when I say we, I really mean her. 

Starting that morning, I went to church with her. She lives about 25 minutes away from her church and upon arriving at church, I gasped. I said, "I forgot my camera at your house!" What photographer forgets their camera when they have a photoshoot? Me. So, we had to go home after church and get the camera. Which set us back an hour. 

We got to the car finally, and drove it out to a clearing in the country and starting photographing. We had to ask her boyfriend to move the car a few times to get the shot I had in mind, and we tried extra careful to not get his car TOO dirty. One of the photos, I had her prop her foot up on the grill of the car, and she used an alcohol wipe to rest her foot on so she didn't dirty the car. Priorities :) I have to admit it was funny seeing her go from the front seat to the backseat in heels. Quite the workout. Luckily, none of the cows in the pasture across the road showed up in the background of the photos! 

After we finished up, we stopped and visited a friend of her boyfriends. We found this glove and jacket hanging out of his car door. It's a horrid photo, but I snapped it quick when Shawn said, "Alyssa, get a photo of this. This looks like how our photoshoots usually end up." Haha! :) 

Finally, the finished product. Enjoy! :)

For the full album, please visit my page on Facebook at:

Until then,
adventure awaits :) 

it can creep up in$ide you and consume you;

Hello blogging world. Before we get started, I just want to let everyone know that I do not have a degree in English and Journalism, my thoughts may be scattered and in no order, you won't see any big fancy words, but I can promise to bring you funny and crazy stories. So, let's get started!

Meet Camila. 

She is 19 years old and going to college for radiology. This girl is one of the funniest, silliest, down to earth, and kindest girls I know! There is never a dull moment with her as you will find out :) 

She text me I'd say maybe a month before Halloween, suggesting we do a scary Halloween shoot. We were torn between a vampire or Voodoo doll. The costume for the Voodoo doll was a little tougher to put together so, we decided to go with a vampire. So, off we started planning. 

My first must was to find scary contacts. Eyes, make all the difference. Vampires have scary eyes. So, I went online in search and found them. From a place in Britain (which I had paid no attention to). About 3 nights later, I received a call  from my card company, saying they noted suspicious activity on my account. I thought, "well, what could that be?" So, I called back and they told me "contact lens from Britain." I said, "haha, yes! That's me. I ordered those." Good to know they are looking out for me. Shout out to them. 

The second must have was blood. I preferred edible so it could be in her mouth for realistic purposes. I found a recipe on pinterest that seemed pretty easy because if you know me, cooking would never be top on my list of skills. Anyway, I found this great recipe.

Instruction number 3, really cracked me up. Here's that direction and also how my blood was looking:

 All in all, it went very well. However, I noticed my corn syrup expired in 2013. Which reminds me, I need to add that to my grocery list. 

So, everything else came together and we were ready to go! I text Camila the night before to ask her what time she wanted to start. She said early, so I said 9. She asked if we could start earlier even, so I suggested 8:59. :) She looked great! She did her own hair and makeup. She even got her nails professionally done to look like a vampires! Which, we had some difficulty putting her contacts in with those claws! You'll see them in the finished product below.

However, upon finishing touch-ups, we had misplaced the glue for her fangs. So, I don't know how we came to this brilliant conclusion, but we decided to stop at the dollar store and get denture adhesive. Yes, you read that right. Denture adhesive to keep the fangs in place. 

That didn't work. Boy, did it not work. Pink, gagging, everywhere. 
So we decided to go to Wal-Mart to get the fang glue. Which didn't work either. Not to mention the looks she got going into Wal-Mart. Can you just a picture a vampire in the Wal-Mart bathroom trying to glue fangs to her teeth? So, when that didn't work, we tried bubble gum. Which was not quite as bad as the denture adhesive, but we had no other choice. She had to carefully hold the fangs in her mouth whenever we needed a photo with them showing. 

About the time we finished all that, we were hungry. So we stopped and got lunch before we headed out to the park to start shooting. We ate in the car and on the way to the park Camila asks, "if a vampire bites someone with Ebola, would they get Ebola?" If anyone knows the answer to that question, feel free to answer below in the comments section. 

The photoshoot went great! Then, we busted out the fake blood. I recommended not putting the blood in her mouth, because I still didn't have the best feeling giving my model corn syrup from 2013. So, I just had her dip her hands in it and let it run down her arms. 

One word. Sticky. Okay two words. Sticky mess. Which I should have known it would be. But the severity of it, was miserable. Stuck to everything. Her car, her clothes, and worst, her hair. She has such long hair, so, we had to be very careful. We finished by an old building in her hometown with a cool darker colored door. 

I felt so bad for her, as she was sticky and couldn't touch anything on the ride home. Luckily, the weather was great! 60 almost 70 degrees. But, as soon as she got home, she returned to a normal human being :) 

For those of you who may be new to Coveyou Photography, I title all my albums with song lyrics and I use the dollar symbol ($) as reference to it being a themed shoot. So, if you ever see that, you'll know it's a themed shoot. I chose Rihanna's song, "Disturbia" for the title. "It can creep up inside you and consume you." I felt that described a vampire pretty well. 

And that was the eventful day! And here are some of the finished product! Enjoy!

For the full album, you can visit my facebook page at:

Until next time,
adventure awaits. :)